It feels wonderful to be back – Yeah back to meditation. I have sat for only two days running. It is early to say, though, I know myself. Once I decide the commitment follows.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls it makes me feel a million dollars, just the anticipation of knowing how different I can be when I am focused. That’s what meditation does for me. Responding calmly to situations instead of automatically reacting, being mindful at any moment.
I have a really good excuse for my personal negligence. I had a baby 18 months ago. Mika was born three weeks before my 40th and I felt like I was on drugs. Not that I know what that is! I mean I hit cloud 9. I was on a high. I was busy with my baby and adjusting to her and life, I felt so good that I gave up on something that in truth is precious.
When I reflect back on these 18 months, I didn’t stop practicing. What happened, was that I was not serious. I could go days without sitting. My practice was erratic and I had lost faith. I had my baby girl. I was busy with her, my family including two teenage kids, my career.
We all know that even a drug wears off. Truth be known is that I am thankful for this period. It has been an eye-opener. I have slowly seen my attention deficit issues worsen and I mean drastically. I have noticed how frustrated and also angry I can be in some situations. Different to how I am when I am committed to meditating daily. There is much research with findings of the positive influences of mediation on the brain. I believe that the last year for me has just verified this.
I have realized that I have been mostly on automatic pilot and not conscious of the moment. Since I love having control, this is a sure way of being out of it. I do realize that control is an illusion. What we can control is how we choose to respond to any situation. The feeling is terrible when this goes. That’s what happened to me. I noticed there were times where I didn’t have the patience that I had before. That I could have behaved differently. I want that part of me back. That’s what meditation gives me. Its a gift of health, of love, of endless surprises.
It has been hard for me to sit. I mostly would much rather be doing something else. Crossing another item off my ever-increasing task list. The price has become too high. I know what it’s like to be with and without constant commitment to mindfulness practice. This time in my life and self-discovery is going to be something I will talk about for years. Its because I know the difference! Meditation makes all the difference – I know!

Samantha Amit – Leadership Coach and Mindfulness Practitioner
Samantha helps managers be more present, more confident and to focus on what and who is important, to excel and thrive at work and life.
Inspiring managers to grow and together make a global impact.
Transforming people and companies for the future.
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