Today there are so many distractions that it’s sometimes really hard to get stuck in and get work done.
First of all, an ideal setting is important. It may be in your office and it may be taking some time out to sit in a quiet coffee shop. If it’s in your office then ensure that your desk is clear. This helps to think and be more focused.
Imagine you are sitting with a client. If you were in a meeting right now with a client, you wouldn’t be checking your emails, you wouldn’t answer your phone, you wouldn’t use instant messaging. In order to get moving on a project or work assignment, sometimes we need to switch off our phones, close our email accounts and reminder messages that can pop up, exit from any instant messaging and if the Internet is a distraction then close this too.
Have a look at your task list or schedule and decide what you are going to be working on for the next hour solidly. Get everything you need out. Have some paper and a pen on hand in case you all of a sudden remember something you need to do. Write this down on the paper and continue with your task. So often we may be in the middle of something, remember something else, and then leave what we are doing so that we don’t forget to do that.
When you have completed what you set out to do, congratulate yourself. Also, notice how focused you can be when your mind is not multi-tasking. Besides, jumping from one task to another can be stressful.
Now you can are probably ready for some communication with the world again. You will no doubt be waiting for this. Decide in advance how long you want to communicate with others. So you’ll switch your phone back on. Check your voice mail. Take a break and do some instant messaging. You will spend some time in your e-mail, and you may put some background music on.
When this time is over, then it’s back to work without all the communication applications and gadgets that can distract one. Try this out and let me know how you are doing.

Samantha Amit – Leadership Coach and Mindfulness Practitioner
Samantha helps managers be more present, more confident and to focus on what and who is important, to excel and thrive at work and life.
Inspiring managers to grow and together make a global impact.
Transforming people and companies for the future.
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